I Need Help Preventing Fatigue - A 21st Century Ailment

I Need Help Preventing Fatigue - A 21st Century Ailment

What is Fatigue and How do I Prevent it?

Broadly speaking, fatigue is an extreme form of tiredness resulting in a lack of energy and ability to perform or function at normal or nominal levels. It is usually caused by physical or mental exhaustion, but with today's complex world, its root causes are much more difficult to determine, and it has become essentially endemic. Some reports suggest as much as 45% of the US population suffers from some form of fatigue. We really hadn't realized just how common tiredness and fatigue are, and how many underlying factors are potentially involved. 

Fortunately, on most occasions, fatigue can be relieved with just a recuperative night's sleep. However, statistics clearly show this is not always the case. For some, tiredness becomes a chronic problem, one which can undermine day-to-day functioning and thus, quality of life. Unless you have experienced chronic fatigue, you likely do not understand the brutal struggle it can create.

Here are some of the possible symptoms from chronic fatigue:

  • Abnormal heart beat
  • Back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Fainting or feeling faint
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Inflammation
  • Irritability
  • Memory problems
  • Muscle cramps or weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sleep problems
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty concentrating

Furthermore, excessive fatigue can be the sign of a more serious condition. At some point, if it goes beyond recurrent and becomes chronic -- an actual illness, -- it can be both dangerous and hard to deal with.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

This is the worst case condition of fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects both men and women of almost any age, racial or socio-economic group. The core of this illness is a strong and noticeable fatigue that comes on suddenly, often comes and goes, or alternatively, just never stops. You may feel exhausted for no apparent reason and it can be truly debilitating. If you are experiencing this problem, you'll be wanting to address it fast.

What causes fatigue?

This is where it gets problematic. Because fatigue can be a symptom in so many underlying medical issues, it can be very hard to isolate a specific cause for it. Moreover, there can often be more than one set of contributing factors.

A wide array of exogenous or environmental conditions may cause fatigue, like work, stress, sleep problems, dietary issues, drugs, and even toxins or pathogens. During the research for this post, it really seemed like fatigue was the common thread in so many of the medical studies. It came up everywhere and for every varied reason.

It is also possible that it is caused by endogenous medical conditions such as anaemia, obesity, Coeliac disease, thyroid issues, and the list goes on and on. What we can say is there's more likely to be a medical reason for tiredness if there are other symptoms as well, such as sudden weight loss, a change in bowel habits, hair loss, and extreme thirst. Because these are so varied, you will need to confer with your doctor to check how they are connected. 

Just for context, here are some of the possible underlying causes of fatigue:

  • Addison's disease
  • Allergies
  • Anemia
  • Anorexia and other eating disorders
  • Antihistamine use
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus
  • Blood pressure medicines
  • Cancer
  • Coeliac disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes or other metabolic disorders
  • Diuretics use
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart problems
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Illness (even as simple as cold or flu or other pathogens)
  • Infection
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Malnutrition
  • Mental imbalance
  • Persistent pain
  • Sleep disorders
  • Prescription drug (particularly sleeping pill) use
  • Steroid use
  • Substance abuse

How do I Cure Fatigue?

Obviously this is a complex question that you and your medical professional / doctor will discuss and then determine any necessary medical strategies. Fortunately, though, if you can identify the root cause, then there may also be many things that can be done to improve your energy levels and reduce fatigue and tiredness. Serious medical conditions aside, consider what's within your own capacity to do and that will make things better. Your doctor will be your medical guide, but if there's anything you can do yourself to make a difference, it makes sense to do it, especially if it's lifestyle related.

If fatigue is caused by something external, then address that directly. If it's stress-related, there are many solutions for relieving anxiety and developing better coping strategies. Look at your life and identify any areas of significant stress and deal with them if for no other reason than your health. Exercise is critical to healthy energy levels, so make sure to have that in your routine. If it's sleep-related, then try one of the many non-drug-based techniques, soporifics, or supplements to help out. If it's diet-related, then focus on the proper nutrition specifically for you. This is actually one of the most important areas to address, simply because poor individualized nutrition is a major and common problem. As a case in point, recent research in Texas suggests that low levels in the soil of lithium and other nutrients critical to mood balance may be one of the reasons that anxiety levels have risen so significantly over the last five decades. Since mood directly affects energy levels, you can clearly see the connection. There are abundant examples like this of how diet can affect energy and vitality. Fortunately, there are also plenty of potent ways to use nutrition to relieve tiredness, nervousness, exhaustion, indifference, muscle weakness, drowsiness, or dullness. A well constructed diet may be your best weapon in the fight against fatigue. Employing a safe, well-researched and well-made natural stimulant can be an excellent short-term solution, especially when you need to function whether you like it or not. 

Whatever the cause, fatigue is a debilitating concern for many people. It has become one of the most significant problems of the modern age, and unfortunately, it makes literally everything else more difficult. In the struggle to fight fatigue, information is your best friend. Once your doctor has handled any medical issues, you must do the same for your personal choices. Make a list of all your potential contributing factors to the fatigue (like the one we made above,) and then go through them one by one in a process of elimination. This is your best plan of action to prevent and cure fatigue and tiredness permanently. Good living to you!

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. 4 Organics takes no responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider.


    • Avatar
      Jan 18, 2022

      I have been looking for a cure for my fatigue for years. It is awful.

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