The Low Energy Problem & How to Intelligently Raise Your Energy Levels

The Low Energy Problem & How to Intelligently Raise Your Energy Levels

Low energy levels in the modern day.

Can you relate to this?

Your hectic day is filled with demands and responsibilities, all requiring prodigious time, effort, and energy.

You continually work harder to keep up, waking earlier, often skipping lunch, snacking on junk food for energy, leaving work later, and stressing over never getting it all done.

When you get home, you are too tired or just lack time to cook or exercise, so intead you eat packaged foods and watch tv on the couch. You are likely very hungry and drained and eat too late.

With all the effort and stress, you find it hard to fall asleep, tossing and turning, only to wake tired, knowing the day awaits.

And so the cycle continues ... 

... increasingly wearing your energy resources thinner and thinner.

But here's the real low energy issue.

Our physical energy is the currency we spend to achieve results each day. It is far more important than time (which you can't change), and is a finite resource that can be quantified and depleted. From calories ingested to glucose levels to metabolic processes, there are constraints on what you have to work with, so maximizing your energy resources and energy utilization is central to successfully architecting a healthy, balanced life. Poor choices will leave you bereft of vitality, and will result in a range of deleterious consequences, especially in today's hectic fast-paced world. Good choices, on the other hand, militate against fatigue and empower energetic action. In essence, you must take the role of custodian of your energy reserves, much as a country does.

So how do you apply this to improve your energy level and availability?

How do we raise energy levels, usage, and replenishment?

Most people think of energy as something expended when doing a physical task. But energy reserves are exhausted for many reasons. Think about mental and emotional expenditure. Think how exhausted you have felt after a serious argument with a loved one. Or how enervated you become after paying attention to one thing for too long. These states of mind and emotion also have a concomitant impact on the physical. Hence, with a little attention, you can maximize your available energy levels by controlling these sometimes unnecessary expenditures.

First, conserve energy resources.

This means many things, but the basic idea is that people waste inordinate amounts of finite energy each day on unnecessary and devitalizing activities. Worrying and stressing, especially when about things out of our control, wastes considerable physical, emotional, and mental energy. Choosing any activity that is not part of the healthy pursuit of fulfillment is simply a waste of energy. Self-deprecation, fear, envy, and any of these sorts of negative internal dialogs are counter-productive, cause stress in the body, and drain physical resources. We all know how much energy can get sucked into unhealthy mental processes; the drain you feel from being emotionally out of balance. Be aware in the custodianship of your limited reserves.  This means being able to relax, calm the mind, forgive mistakes, let go of worry, and generally be kind and patient with oneself. There are plenty of good reasons to live this way, but just for the purposes of vitality, it will ensure a high balance in your daily energy bank account.

Also, maybe most importantly, know when to say no to demands made of you, not just of yourself but from others. This can be harder than you think, but knowing you have limited energy means using it wisely. Saying no judiciously is a critical skill that is widely under-practiced (except by highly successful people.)

Second, optimize energy utilization.

This may sound counter-intuitive, but lower your expectations; or put another way, re-evaluate priorities. Sometimes it is more important to let something go unfinished or ignored so you have more available energy for other important activities or requirements. Don't get mired in trivial or counter-productive endeavors. 

Sometimes it as simple as knowing when to let a window go unwashed, or an email unwritten, just so you feel a sense of control and freedom. Then, replace it with something pointless that just makes you happy, like building a model or playing a game. Doing things that give you pleasure and satisfaction not only serves to improve energy levels, but also activates faster energy replenishment. When you choose more things that fill you with joy, you will have more energy for everything. It's a fine art. Feed yourself with the right amount of 'indulgence,' but just remember to keep a balance. We aren't advocating procrastination or slothfulness, but rather the appropriate application of prioritization. There will always be an email or chore waiting.

Another sure way to optimize energy utilization is to focus on one task at a time. Multi-tasking may be the bedfellow of technology, but it is not ideal for energy usage, and studies show it leads to considerable waste. It takes less energy do one thing properly than to juggle several challenges at once, and you will achieve better results. Focus on one task at a time.

And of course, don't forget exercise. Studies show that exercise actually increases energy levels, and that the fitter you are, the better you utilize your available energy resources. It is a serious arrow in your vitality quiver, so embrace the fun in exercise and get it into your daily life.

Finally, maximize the rate of energy replenishment.

This includes being aware of and changing the way we expend energy during the day. Don't get lost in marathon periods of activity, but divide things up into smaller blocks interspersed with short breaks. This helps optimize energy levels and speeds the restoration of energy stores, just like when we exercise. For optimal replenishment, add deep breathing exercises to your breaks as well.

Then, as we pointed out above, allocating time for activities we enjoy and that give us a sense of satisfaction is one of the best ways to speed up the renewal of energy stores, so put these into the daily mix in just the right amounts. A judicious moment of soothing music, a relaxing massage, or an uplifting conversation with a friend can all do wonders for refilling the tank.

Of course, diet affects energy stores, so make sure the calories you do ingest for energy are of the right type and quality, for as they say, garbage in, garbage out. A good quality energy support supplement can be an excellent addition for when you need a boost.

And finally, just by following these guidelines, your sleep quality will improve, which means your energy stores will replenish faster. Sleep is the ultimate filling station. Whatever you can do to improve your sleep quality will translate directly into more energy the next day.

So the lesson is to not focus on trying to squeeze more into our time, but to be smart about the amount of energy resources you have, how to use them properly, and how to make sure they are always available when you need them. Be wise and creative about using your energy reserves well and low energy levels will be a thing of the past. Good health to you.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. 4 Organics takes no responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider.


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      J Sais
      Jan 25, 2022

      I really enjoyed this perspective. It's simple but I hadn't thought about it like this before. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

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